Our Pastor, his Wife Elsie and their daughters

Our Pastor and his wife, Elsie, started Lighthouse Baptist Church on May 2, 2004. After several months of praying for God's leading God showed Pastor Payne that West Brant needed a Bible Believing, Old Fashioned church to show the people the way to the Saviour. One night, God woke up Pastor Payne showed him out of the Bible in Romans 10:14, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" At this time, Pastor stopped fighting with the Lord and started Lighthouse Baptist Church.
Pastor and Mrs. Payne have four daughters.
Pastor and Mrs. Payne have four daughters.
Pastor Cameron PaynePastor was born in Germany and moved to Canada soon after he was born. He received Christ as his Saviour on November 1, 1988. Two days after he was saved, he was temporarily paralyzed from the neck down. He asked God to heal him and if he did he would give his life to serve God. God allowed him to walk again but it took seven years for Pastor to fully surrender to the Lord for His service.
Mrs Elsie Payne~Church SecretaryMrs. Payne was born in the Philippines and came to Canada in 1996. She received Christ as her Saviour in December 13, 2000. "Knowing Christ as my Saviour is the best thing that ever has happened to me."
© 2020 Lighthouse Baptist Church